the end of polishing: Devlog #10

after a week of  polishing our game looks much and much better, take a look at what we did this week:

Jonas worked for the most part on nice lighting and implementing a bit more assets into the scene to make it feel les empty. With the lighting we want for a dark, warm light inside and a cold night feel for the outside and we got the mood just right.

Warre made a few extra assets this week, but mostly focused on creating the music for the game. Apart from that he made a little tweaks here and there to get some cleaner results forthe menus and the other assets.

Ramses and jan worked together fixing the small bugs such as the health bug, the respawn bug,... they also playtested a lot to tweak all the variable, creating the best player experience. They also added some sounds to make the game more full.

Besides the teamwork Ramses worked on the variation in the enemys he made them change in strength, health and size so they wont get boring.  He also added some moving sirenes to make the environment more interessting.

Jan fixed the title and gamleover screen, adding the new  buttons and the right sounds.

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May 23, 2024

Get Pixel Prison Breakout

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