the start of Pixel prison breakout : Devlog #4

After alle the paperwork  and prototyping we are finaly able to start with our game,  Pixel prison breakout!

There was a lot of work that needed to be done here is a quick oversight of the progress:

Warre started working on the characters for the game this week. We will make different variations of the playable character so it is easier to differentiate them. All the idle animations for up down and sides are done. He also started on the walking animations. All these animations also have 2 variants for a melee and ranged weapon. By using Asperite and a good layer structure it’s made a lot easier to switch between melee and ranged animations and tweek them where necessary. The use of the onion-skinning feature was also a big bonus in creating animations. These animations were made fairly quickly with use of gathered references we had. Next week he will continu working on the animations of the playable characters and maybe even start with enemies.

Jonas worked on the environment tile map this week. There was some trial and error at the start. He needed to see if everything fitted wel within the theme of the game. But most of it is done now, so with a little more work he will be able to start working on the map for the level next week.

Ramses started a clean unity project, making the basics such as the movement, player manage, camera annd the enemy's.  He also gave the game an placeholder environnment. The A* pathfinding was again implemented so that the enemys could follow the player. Now that we are working on our final project it is important to use placeholder so the artists can test there art easy and fast.

Jan Implemented the attack behaviours shooting  and the melee attack. He also added the inventory that keeps track of the ammo. He also implemented a simple health mechanic that is just for testing purposes and needs a bit more work to be seen as a finished part. To make the game totaly playable but in its simplest form he also added the attackin behaviour of the enemys.

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Mar 27, 2024

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