The 2nd production sprint has begun: Devlog #7

After the first production sprint we have the root of our game, in the second production sprint our aim is to make it a fun game that is fun to play and looks like a finished product.

Warre changed the death animations of the characters this week. and also started working on all the different widgets for the UI and menu screens. He also helped a bit with the search of good music and sounds fot the game. Next week he will continu working on the widgets and start on the menu screens.

Jonas worked on a new and improved map layout. It looks cool now, and we think it will be much more enjoyable to play on than the last map. He needed to add new ground tiles because a part of the map is outside now, and also kept working on assets to put into the scene.

Ramses's Progress Update: This week has been productive as I've made significant advancements in integrating and refining various game components. Here are the key tasks I've tackled:

  1. UI Enhancements: Successfully linked both the scoring system and ammunition count to the game's visual UI, providing players with real-time feedback on their performance and resources.
  1. Adding New Enemy - "The guard": Integrated a new enemy type into the game, complete with its own unique set of animations and sprites.
  1. Wave Settings Adjustment: Modified the game's wave settings to allow for unlimited waves. This change lays the groundwork for next week's task, where I plan to increase the difficulty with each successive wave, enhancing the game's challenge over time.
  1. Playtesting and Bug Fixes: Conducted playtesting for identification and resolution of multiple issues: player collision errors, enemies getting stuck, and various visual bugs that affected gameplay quality.

The game is shaping up well, looking forward to another week of progress and development!

Jan worked on the enemy attack, the player health and added some visuals (healthbar). He also started the game over logic but created some problems that needed to be fixed. After a lot of bugfixing it was working but he didn't have the time to merge it in the main scene. This is work that will be showed in next weeks devlog after it is tottaly fixed.


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May 01, 2024

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